Curious about starting a postpartum care business?
Globally, families spend US$67 billion every year on baby care products, yet so many mothers still feel exhausted, isolated and overwhelmed.
What families really need is emotional, practical and informational support that is loving, caring and based on scientific evidence.
Enter your email to download a free guide and learn about:
The skills, experience and knowledge you need to start a business providing postpartum support
Different postpartum business models that make a real difference for new families and earn you a living
When a baby is born, so is a mother…
Postpartum care was once a common profession worldwide; in some cultures, it still is!
But it’s likely that postpartum care is not provided where you live (that’s why we are here!) and becoming a parent in a society that does not respect and revere postpartum is having a devastating impact.
At least 1 in 5 women experience anxiety, depression or both during the transition to motherhood
2 out of 3 mothers don’t meet their own breastfeeding goals
The leading cause of maternal death is suicide in Australia, the United States,
Canada and New Zealand
This, in turn, impacts society and future generations.
If you can see the need, and you can want to make a difference, you’ve come to the right place!
…and the birth of a mother can be more intense than childbirth
Hi, I’m Julia Jones
I am the founding director of Newborn Mothers, a postpartum educator and best-selling author.
I’ve worked in postpartum care for fifteen years and trained thousands of postpartum professionals in over 60 countries. I’ve written a bestselling book called Newborn Mothers: When a Baby is Born, So is a Mother.
I provide postnatal education to the world so that parents receive the respect and reverence they deserve. I am committed to postnatal education that is based on both scientific evidence and cultural care.
I am a dedicated advocate for publicly funded postpartum care and I'm also a massive cheerleader for women-led small businesses!
I live by the beach in Fremantle, Western Australia, with my family and our three chickens, and I’m obsessed with tea—it’s gotta be loose-leaf, STRONG, and served in a teapot. My favourite thing to do on the weekends is hike on the Bibbulmun Track.
About Newborn Mothers
I began my journey as a postpartum doula before I was a mother and when I was only 24 years old. I became interested in postpartum care while travelling through India. I saw how differently new families were treated, cared for, and respected, and I realised we are doing something wrong in my culture.
At that time, there were no postpartum doulas and no training available where I lived, so I studied online and brought a trainer in from overseas. My first ever client paid me $2000 and I knew I was onto something.
Five years later, my colleagues wanted to learn more about what I was doing, so I taught postpartum care for the very first time. Seven people enrolled and we held the class on the weekend in my mum's kitchen. I started teaching online in 2015 and today we are a global company and together we've trained nearly 2000 students in 60 different countries around the world.
Whether you are taking on more postpartum work with existing clients or starting a new business from scratch, I'm here to help you figure out your next steps.
Newborn Mothers — when a baby is born, so is a mother
Your invitation to join a gentle, internal revolution in your heart and in your home.
Professional Training
Take the next step in your career in postpartum care with our transformative and evidence-based training. Available online, worldwide and in your own time.
Blog & Podcast
Stories, statistics, science and resources. Meet postpartum experts, parents with unique perspectives and people making a living from professional postpartum work.
For mothers and caregivers, explore our worldwide postpartum directory and find meals, massage, classes, courses, circles, online and in-home care in your area.
Hear What People Have to Say…
Postpartum Education and Care Professional training
An online, worldwide training program of 12 modules with the option of self-study or live classes.
Postpartum Education and Care Professional Training is an endorsed activity by ACM, DONA, and ANTA.
Download our free guide to learn about becoming a Postpartum Education and Care Professional
What qualifications do you need to call yourself a doula? What sort of hours will you work? Can you make a living
from postpartum work? What equipment do you need and what should you wear?
Find out the answer to all these questions and more in our free guide!
A Note On Gender
We understand not all parents identify as women or mothers, so throughout our work we include words like caregiver, parent and the pronoun 'they'. We hope that you feel recognised somewhere in our broader body of work and we welcome feedback.