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Check out my latest interviews below by clicking on the images.
Plus, if want to interview me for your blog or podcast, submit the contact form below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Speaking is one of Julia’s favourite things to do. Here are some topics Julia loves talking about:
What exactly a postpartum doula is and what they can do for exhausted and overwhelmed new families.
Baby brain and how our brains change when we become parents (hint: you can even see it on a brain scan!)
Traditional postpartum care from around the world.
Mental health why we need to rebuild our villages in a 21st-century context.
How to have a six-figure online business and only work 15-20 hours a week.
Changing the world with philanthropy and how to build giving into your life and business.
Please submit in the contact form and let us know about your speaking opportunity.
Yes, please! This is one of Julia’s favourite things to do. Please scroll through this media page, listen to other podcasts Julia has been interviewed on and submit a media enquiry.
We love to share new podcasts with our audience and would love to share yours with our audience, with Julia as a guest.
We’re also happy to discuss creating a giveaway for your audience or doing an affiliate promotion.
Please submit in the contact form and let us know about your podcast or another interview opportunity.
I'm one of those people who loves public speaking! However, I am committed to not flying for work for climate reasons.
Instead, I love speaking online (live or pre-recorded) or at events at home in Western Australia. Unless you can cover my train fare to get to the Eastern States - if so, I’d love to come!
I have experience speaking to small groups of 10 or less and at large national events with hundreds of people. I’ve spoken at the Melbourne Midwifery Society, Australian Doula Conference, Doula Network of Australia Annual Conference, Homebirth Australia Conference, the Radiance Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Symposium and more.
Submit an enquiry via the contact form.
Yes. I have a lot of experience with public speaking and teaching, including at a couple of Universities and other training institutions.
Additionally, my training are recognised by the Australian College of Midwives and other professional associations for continuing professional development points.
The World Health Organisation recognises that the postnatal period is a critical phase in the lives of mothers and newborn babies. Yet, this is the most neglected period for the provision of quality care.
I can teach online (live or pre-recorded) or face-to-face in Western Australia. I am committed to minimising travel for climate reasons.
For my fees and topics please submit a contact form.
No, I’m currently not accepting guest blog posts or gifts. I do not accept products for review.