How embracing imperfection led to a booked-out doula business
I chat with Newborn Mothers graduate Ashley Wilson from Phlox Postpartum. Together we discuss Ashley's background in yoga and Ayurveda, how she started a postpartum care service, and the unique challenges of working with families. At the core of this conversation, we explore how to help people feel empowered in the work of mothering.
From burnout to balance: redesigning a postpartum business
I chat with Newborn Mothers graduate Jessica Prescott from Mama Goodness. Together we discuss authoring recipe books, doula photography, and the evolution of Jessica’s business model from meal delivery to postpartum support. At the core of this conversation, we explore the importance of balance in career and life.
Why unconscious biases matter for postpartum doulas
Learn why providing unbiased support is harder than it sounds, and how you can develop the skills to treat all your postpartum clients equally. We explore how to connect with compassion, stay professional even when you don’t agree with your clients’ choices, and ultimately become a better postnatal doula.
15 benefits of baby brain
Learn about the science behind baby brain and why it’s not all doom and gloom! In this post we’ll explore 15 surprising benefits, from becoming more sensitive and empathetic to being a brilliant multi-tasker. You’ll also learn how postnatal doulas can support newborn mothers to enjoy these baby brain benefits.
What causes baby brain?
Ever wondered if baby brain is real? Also known as momnesia, mummy brain, pregnancy brain or mommy brain, this phenomenon is more complex than it sounds. We explore the myths and facts behind mommy brain, and dive into the neuroscience underpinning maternal behaviours.
Why I said no to everything this year
Dusk Liney interviews Julia Jones on her year at Newborn Mothers in 2024. Learn how the economic downturn shifted Julia’s business goals, peek behind the scenes of a successful business, and learn what’s in store for next year.
The best of 2024: top 12 posts for postpartum professionals
Dive into our top 12 of 2024. This is a mix of your favourites and ours—some oldies but goodies, some brand-new gems, and a few hidden treasures we think deserve a little extra love. Whether you’re just starting out in postpartum care, building your business, or supporting new parents, there’s something here for you.
How I wrote a bestselling book for mothers
Learn how a busy mum wrote and published a bestselling book! We peek behind the curtain at Julia’s journey from multi-tasking mum to bestselling author. Learn how crowdfunding works, where to source artwork for a book cover, and why self-funding publication turned out to be the best possible path.
My husband won’t let me start a postpartum care business
Do you want to start a successful postpartum care business, but your husband isn’t completely on board? Discover how you can discuss the pros and cons of becoming a postnatal support professional, without it ending in divorce or tears! Find out how to take your husband from unsupportive to being your biggest cheerleader, so you can succeed in business and help families thrive.
How failing fast led to a six-figure business
After 15 years in the maternal care industry, I’m noticing an exciting shift. Services and products that were once quite niche are moving into the mainstream. The needs of lactating breasts and bleeding uteruses are becoming more visible rather than being hidden away like something shameful. Have you noticed this too?
3 simple ways to make your business more eco-friendly
Learn how to create a more eco-friendly business with these green tips. Here are some practical resources to help you tidy up your finances, use cleaner energy and look at ways to limit air travel. Find out how to run your postpartum business in a way that's not only economically sustainable but environmentally sustainable too, even if you're a small business with no employees!
How becoming a doula may be your best career move yet
Becoming a postpartum doula allows you to care for new parents while enjoying a healthy work-life balance. Discover the 5 steps to make postpartum work a full-time occupation. Find out what to wear as a doula, what to call yourself, and why this role is so vital to the health of mothers and their families.
Changing careers in your 40s, 50s, and 60s
Did you know that older entrepreneurs are more likely to be successful than younger ones?
Cooking scares me! And other questions from our FAQs file
This blog unpacks the top 10 questions from our last webinar about working in postpartum care, as well as the Postpartum Education and Care Training. Julia answers questions about postpartum care and education: learn how to become a doula even if you hate cooking, find out if you need business insurance, and discover how to market yourself and get your first postpartum client. We’ve loosely edited the transcript for clarity.
Instagram is not a business plan
Hands down, the biggest worry many of my students have when launching their own business is social media.
What is a doula?
This blog explores the different types of doulas - birth, postpartum, adoption, grief and loss, and how it works in relation to services, costs, qualifications and regulations.
How you can support normal breastfeeding, even if you don’t have medical training
This blog explores ways a postpartum professional can provide valuable support to a breastfeeding parent. Focusing on the breastfeeding observation component, this blog outlines who can observe and assess a breastfeeding session, what’s included in a non-clinicial breastfeeding assessment and how to use the results of the breastfeeding assessment to provide good support.
From patchwork career to postpartum care professional
A blog by Antonia Anderson on how her existing skills and training carried over from previous jobs into postpartum care work, why it’s okay not to feel fulfilled by motherhood and how you can funnel your passion for helping mothers into a sustainable career. Reflect on how your unique life and work experience might help you excel at running a postpartum care business.
Supporting plus size pregnancy in a fatphobic world
Julia Jones chats with Stephanie O'Brien from Postpartum with Steph. They explore how postpartum care providers can better support plus-size women. They discuss why BMI shouldn’t be used as a sole indicator of health, what it’s like navigating the hospital system as a plus-size woman, and how Steph’s personal experience led her to become a postpartum doula.
Top 10 careers that make amazing postpartum professionals
This blog explores the top 10 careers that make amazing postpartum professionals - including hairdresser and beauty therapists, teachers, childcare workers, retail and hospitality workers, life coaches, yoga and pilates instructors, midwifes, mothers and friends!